Ruby: July's Birthstone

Ruby: July's Birthstone





The Ruby is a mythical stone that has many legends and tales written about it. Its magical beauty is matched by its superb healing properties. The deep red to crimson colored crystal is an energy recharging stone, it attracts sensuality and love. She is the birthstone for the summer month of July, as summer sunsets are warm, red, and beautiful just as the Ruby!

She has been found in Kenya, Burma, India, Thailand, Mexico, and the USA. A stone of nobility and passion, it has been highly regarded by many religions and spiritualities including Christianity and Buddhism. She is a stone highly sought after and praised by Queens and Kings. 




 She is ideal for one searching for an extra fire, a bit of motivation, and empowerment! She sparks energy and alleviates darkness. She eases economic stresses. Her abilities will emotionally heal by balancing sealed up parts of her wearer. She will teach one to express love without fear or caution.

Wear her as a beautiful accessory to increase energy and decrease sleepiness. She enhances all types of love and attraction including romantic, friendships, and family love! Keep her with you by your bedside to ease nightmares, wear her with you to public events to ease anxiety and panic attacks. Not only is she beautiful but she is powerful!

Physically, July’s birthstone resonates deeply with the blood. She increases circulation and is ideal for treating illnesses with the heart. The Ruby is ideal for treating sexual dysfunction, infertility, and menopause symptoms. She helps with the discomforts of pregnancy and enhances easier pregnancy changes in the body. She detoxifies the body of negative and troublesome toxins.




The Ruby resonates deeply with the root chakra. She enhances the feeling of being grounded and energized! She heals and balances the foundation of the Chakras. Therefore she eases lethargy, low levels of energy, and disconnection from reality.

She will restore your energy and vitality! She will enhance your courage to move past grief and distress. She protects the naturally sensitive and grounds one to the world around them. This allows them to acknowledge their personal powers, beauty, and happiness. Because you are truly wonderful and capable!

Her beauty is matched in her healing properties. Spend the summer months elapsed in love and confidence with the beauty and comforting presence of the Ruby!




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